Friday, July 11, 2008

The Story of Naugad

In an alternate world far-far away there’s a country of a million ‘Naugadvasis’. A few hundred years ago Naugad was the economic and cultural hub of the alternate world – a land blessed with natural resources and the technical advancements brought about by its efficacious people. Then a calamity struck - the ancestors in the charm of joy and prosperity failed to submit the ‘Speroid of Susakchet’ to the fires of the two-tower volcano. The prosperity collapsed and the glorious era came to an end.

In the years that followed Naugadvasis lost their technological headway; vast lands turned barren, rivers changed their paths wiping towns and eroding mountains. Every disease known to mankind showed itself in the people. Naugadvasis got lost in a sea of poverty, corruption, and misery.

A few hundred years under this curse and Naugad saw a ray of hope, but Naugadvasis thought it was the new sun itself. Electronic machines called computers had been invented in the land called Mordor. The inhabitants of Gordor and Rohan lands also used these machines extensively and were dependent on them. Naugadvasis found a fortune in writing software for the machines. They could develop it much faster and at lower costs. The Naugad economy picked-up, its citizens could find jobs in thousands as software developers. The benefits transgressed to other sectors too; the healthcare facilities and public infrastructure improved. Naugad was once again under focus – the way it had been before the ancestors committed the mistake.

One thought that the spell of the curse was over. Software development became the most aspired occupation of its people. Bright minds which could have otherwise worked in the fields of chemistry, nuclear physics, pharmacy, medicine, mechanics shifted to software for the easy jobs, higher pays and foreign trips. The leaders of Naugad encouraged this by letting more institutes of software technology to setup and by setting software firms free from tax.

Individuals who didn’t have any aptitude for computer science started taking positions in software companies which needed them in tens of thousands. Consequently the quality of deliverables decreased, project management grew difficult; and Mr. Pareto came at every large glass window to preach his 80:20 principle. Life for the deserving developers became laborious – doing 80% of the work and correction defects introduced by the rest 80% of the under-performers.

Meanwhile other countries like Chunalgad, Vatika, Subedha learnt the art of software development and gave Naugad a tough competition. This resulted in the decrease in salaries, poor working conditions, and increase in the workload. On the other hand Mordor, Gordor, Rohan benefited from the low cost software and had their funds and people in the direction of new chemical compounds, hybrid automobiles, mass transportation, renewable energy, synthetic food, nanotechnology, space-energy efficient microprocessors, waste recycling, water harvesting and other desperately needed technologies.

Mordor invented an electric car which has running costs of $0.005/Km; and a 99% safe radioactive waste disposal system. A Gordorian company discovered the formula for synthetic food for farm-animals and pets. Rohan invented bacteria which converts bio-waste into hydrogen, a solar power plant, and built a train which crossed the 500kms/hr bar.

Naugad needs all the above items, for sustaining its economy and maintaining the quality of life of its citizens. But it continues to sleep in its software dream.